I am writing from my phone today, as I sit in the dark. It is nap time at my new job.
Yes, I started a new job.
I work at a preschool. One of the hardest jobs on the planet! Seriously!!
The good things about the job are:
1.) Brayden comes with me, even though he is not in my class, I am close.
2.) I can still drop off and pick up the girls, a must!
3.) I am earning a pay check.
4.) I am off of the couch the whole morning with no tv or cartoons.
5.) Brayden is learning how to be more independent.
The negatives about the job (cause you know there has to be some):
1.) I don't get a lot of adult interaction while caring for so many kids.
2.) I will probably be very sick in the next few days (lots and lots of runny nose and yucky coughs).
3.) I don't get to snuggle Brayden all day while watching multiple episodes of Mickey Mouse.
4.) His cries are heart wrenching, period! I teared up my whole first day and bawled with him at nap time! It is getting better.
5.) I melt into the couch once I get home and I am allowed to sit down for a good couple of hours.
6.) These kids at this preschool, are bad, crazy bad! Biting, kicking, screaming, spitting BAD!
7.) Today, I miss my hubby. He works tonight so I won't see him all day and that makes me so very sad.
So this, working 5 days a week, with little kiddos, dropping off Bray into his own class, leaving straight from dropping off the girls to school and leaving straight from work to get them, not having any energy when I get home to play, much less want to cook diner then do the dishes, well I guess that is just my new normal.
I know there is give and take and good and bad with every job. I just hope the good things pick up, or I am not sure how long I can stick it out.
P.S. I miss my kids from U of G in Sherman so unbelievably bad. I hope that I get the connection with these kids like I had with them, but I am not sure I will.
4 days ago
Ahhh, girl that sounds rough :(. The job you have now sounds kinda like the job I just quit.....only worse! Hopefully you can adjust soon!
i nominated you for an award. http://justjenn426.blogspot.com/2012/10/an-award-for-me.html
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