I cannot believe I missed the first day of April! I have been so busy lately, running around like a mad woman that I have totally neglected my blog, and I sincerely apologize!!
Yesterday, being April Fools Day, was a crazy day. We had to strip down the girls' room because Maddi had lice! That is the worst April Fools Day joke that could be played on us!! I spent my night washing everything from her's and Ella's beds and treating and combing out her hair! As a mommy to a little girl, this creates lots of stress about getting the whole house clean and horrible feelings about your house not being clean enough. At least that is how I felt. I almost felt like it was my fault that she had lice. It is a frustrating little bug and I hate that she has had to go through this. But I think it is just a part of life as a little girl and as a mommy to one.
My April 1st ended on a bad note, how was yours??
This is the first post of many for the A to Z challenge!! If you are here because of the challenge, please say hi so I can check out your blog as well!!!
Much love to my readers, and thank you for sticking around!! I really love you all for reading what I have to say :)
1 day ago
Don't feel that it is your fault or that your house is not clean enough. It is something that kids just get. Luckily, only one of my four ever got them. She had the finest hair of all of them, but it was long and took three tries to totally rid her of them. She picked them up from a kid at school, from sharing a hat. After that, she was a little more careful about sharing items.
Hi! How were your little girls now? I believe lice is just normal and are a part of ever little girl with long hair. :) I've gone through the same thing when I was little, and luckily it all went off as I grow up. :)
Jokel here, another fellow on the atozchallenge! Goodluck to us! :)
Just keep posting! :)
>> my blog: joknut.wordpress.com
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