
Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Our Big Move

I am so sorry I have been MIA all month long, we have had some crazy big changes that took place out of no where...

We moved 6 hours away from where we were, the Dallas/Fort Worth area, to Lubbock, home of Texas Tech.

My hubby was transferred over here for his job, and it was a move that came out of nowhere.

We were asked on a Wednesday night if we would be willing to move here, took off Thursday afternoon on a house hunting trip, went home packed up and loaded the Uhaul the following Wednesday.  It was really quick.
We were so very sad to leave our family and friends back home, but we are settling in very nicely to Lubbock.

Here are some pictures from our move so far:
Here is our super cute house!
It has a giant backyard, this is less than half!
Our fridge doesn't fit in the space :(
We went school shopping and took a break with Icee's and popcorn
We are so excited to be close to a Sprout's again.

All of my photos are on Instagram and I would love it if you followed me over there :) My screen name is MamaVsqz!

More stories about the super quick move will come later, but I just wanted to update you on what has been happening in our crazy lives!!

Now to get ready for the first day of school next Monday!

How has your summer ended?


Jeremy Bates said...

Been to both places but prefer DFW. I used to stay on 66th Street and then over behind the mall on Slide Rd.

Have you been to The Strip? The last I knew you had to buy any takeout liquor or beer out of the city limits.

One thing you will soon experience is the way that wind blows the snow and sleet come this winter.

By the way, they also have a cool Flea Market there.

Have fun and get settled in.


Michelle said...

How fun and crazy all in one! To just pick up and move...find a home, a new school...but I am sure it was an adventure! :)

Linda said...

Wow! that is quite a quick change......take your time, you have a lot on your plate.

Kristi@living-blessed-life said...

I'm excited that you're lovin the new area. Can't wait to visit you when we come :)

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