
Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Terrific Tuesday #3

  • This past Saturday was our last soccer game of the season!  Maddi's team played very hard and the game was a hard played one that ended in a tie.  It was definitely the most exciting game of the season.

  • After soccer, we went to Tech's last home game to tailgate.  I am still amazed at how much fun can be had standing in a parking lot!
  • Saturday night, we had family movie night and watched Monsters University.  I don't think Brayden moved the whole time it was on.
  • We watched Monsters U twice on Sunday!  Brayden is now convinced he is Sully :)
  • I found a super cute jacket for a steal from an online garage sale site!  $1 for this baby, hells ya!
  • Paisley has been sleeping in her crib at night :)  She shares a room with Brayden and he uses a sound machine at night, and I think the noise helps her sleep.  With the heart beat sound playing, she sleeps great!  After I go to bed, she will sleep in the pack and play or with me after her late night feeding, but I am glad that she is sleeping in there some (it's a start).
  • Brayden is an awesome big brother!  He amazes me everyday with how much he loves her!  Today he watched her like a hawk while the doctor checked her out at her two month checkup.  It was so cute!
I really need to start writing things down during the week, when I sit in front of the computer my mind goes blank to the terrific things that happened early in the week.  This weekly post has made me look at my week different and to find joy in the small things.  I hope you are enjoying them as well.

What are some terrific things that happened to you this past week? 


Unknown said...

just start blogging daily... summing up your thoughts at the end of every day :) YOU CAN DO IT!

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