I am so
thankful for the group of girls that I can call my
very best friends. I have been friends with most of these girls 10 years. It is crazy to think that we just started out as co-workers at Saltgrass and now we are life long friends. We have been through some crazy, adventurous, rough, happy, tough, loving times and I would not change any of it. What we have gone through makes us better friends today. We have had babies together, celebrated love at each others weddings, got in trouble together, and so much more in these past 10 years. The ladies that I am blessed to call my friends now, I know in my heart will be friends 50 years from now.
Yvonne, Steph, Britt, Wen, Roxy, and Me
Brittney and Me at her wedding
Wendy and I were pregnant together during Summer 2010
Wendy and I had our boys in the fall
Roxy and Me
Mine and Roxy's kids at the pumpkin patch
Yvonne and Me
Marsha and I have been friends for 12 years
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