I realized today that our family doesn't have very many {if any} traditions of our own other than standard holiday traditions {4th of July fireworks, Santa, trick or treating, etc.}.
We don't do anything special for the kids on their birthdays every year, we don't have a Friday night pizza night, we don't do a family game night every week, we don't have a family movie night/pj night, we don't have a special vacation spot that we go to every year, we don't take family pictures {haven't since Ella was a baby}, and we have missed blue bonnet pictures 2 years in a row {that is a HUGE deal in Texas and the life of a blue bonnet is SHORT}.
I have really been thinking, with all our moving around, what it is our kids can look forward too, things that will never change.
What will they remember when they grow up and start their own families?
I can remember several things that stuck out to me as a child. Every year, Santa put fruit in the bottom of our stockings, that we always had to give up to my mom so she could make a fruit salad. We always opened one present the night before Christmas. We always trick or treated with pillow cases. We were only allowed to eat a small number of candy Halloween night. When I was old enough, every spring break was spent at a church camp.
I know there are lots of things that we do do, like carving pumpkins, having huge birthday parties, not traveling Christmas morning, baking Santa's cookies, decorating the tree, and the list could go on. But like I said before, those are all holiday related.
I am thinking traditions need to be started in my house!
What are some of your traditions? Did they start when you were kids and you keep them for your kids, or are they new?
Let me know!
2 days ago
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